Anno tertio & quarto [& quinto & sexto] Gulielmi IV. Regis
- タイトル/Title
- Anno tertio & quarto [& quinto & sexto] Gulielmi IV. Regis
- 出版地/Publication Place
- London
- 出版者/Publisher
- Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode ... See all items with this value
- 出版年月等/Published Date
- 1833-1835
- 出版年(西暦)/Publication Year (Christian era)
- 1833
- 本文言語/Text Language
- eng
- 形態 (セットの場合は、セット全体に対する情報です)/Physical Description (If this material is a part of the set, this describes about the entire set)
- 8 pamphlets in a portfolio ; 35 cm
- シリーズタイトル/Series Title
- [Collection of British legal history See all items with this value
- 注記/Notes
- M.F. no. 1945
収録内容/Contents: Anno tertio & quarto Gulielmi IV. Regis. Cap. XXIII. An act to reduce the stamp duties on advertisements and on certain sea insurances ... (p. [257]-263) ; Cap. XXXIX. An act to reduce certain of the duties on dwelling houses, and to repeal other duties of assessed taxes (p. [417]-422) ; Cap. XCVIII. An act for giving to the corporation of the governor and company of the Bank of England certain privileges, for a limited period, under certain conditions (p. [1273]-1279)
Anno quarto & quinto Gulielmi IV. Regis. Cap. XXIV. An act to alter, amend, and consolidate the laws for regulating the pensions, compensations, and allowances ... (p. [185]-196) ; Cap. LI. An act to amend the laws relating to the collection and management of the revenue of excise (p. [353]-366) ; Cap. LIV. An act to continue for five years, from the fifth day of April [1835], and to amend the acts for authorizing a composition for assessed taxes (p. [397]-414) ; Cap. LXIII. An act to defray the charge of the pay, clothing, and contingent and other expences of the disembodied militia ... (p. [481]-500)
Anno quinto & sexto Gulielmi IV. Regis. Cap. XLIX. An act for continuing, until the first day of June [1837], the several acts for regulating the turnpike roads ... (p. [365]-366) - 著者名典拠形/Authorized Name
- Great Britain See all items with this value
- フォーマット/Format
- image/tif
- 閲覧方向/Viewing Direction
- left-to-right
- 資料種別/Material Type
- Book
- 電子化資料区分/Digitized Material Type
- 貴重書、和装本
- 分類記号/Classification Number
- CAL:322.33 See all items with this value
- NDC:322.33 See all items with this value
- Identifier
- rb_10091316136
- 元資料のOPAC URL/OPAC URL of the source material
- 書誌ID/Bib ID
- 601975 See all items with this value
- 巻号ID/Vol ID
- 601905
- 請求記号/Call Number
- 322.33-C84-278
- 所蔵館/Holding Library
- 筑波大学附属図書館 University of Tsukuba Library
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