Joann. Amos Comenii Orbis Pictus, die Welt in Bildern, in zwey und achtzig Abschnitte zum Gebrauche der kleinsten studirenden Jugend in der kleinsten studirenden Jugend in den kaiserl. koenigl. Staaten zusammengezogen
- タイトル/Title
- ger Joann. Amos Comenii Orbis Pictus, die Welt in Bildern, in zwey und achtzig Abschnitte zum Gebrauche der kleinsten studirenden Jugend in der kleinsten studirenden Jugend in den kaiserl. koenigl. Staaten zusammengezogen
- 出版地/Publication Place
- Wien
- 出版者/Publisher
- Gedruckt bey J.T. edlen von Trattnern See all items with this value
- 出版年月等/Published Date
- 1792
- 出版年(西暦)/Publication Year (Christian era)
- 1792
- 出版国/Publication Country
- gw
- 本文言語/Text Language
- ger,lat
- 形態 (セットの場合は、セット全体に対する情報です)/Physical Description (If this material is a part of the set, this describes about the entire set)
- 167 p. : ill. ; 18 cm
- 注記/Notes
Latin text, German translation, and vocabulary in three parallel columns
"Mit kaiserl. koenigl. allergnadigster Freiheit, Wird verkauft ungebunden das Stueck fuer zo Kreuzer"
P. 135-138 are wanting
M.F. no. C135-2 - 著者名典拠形/Authorized Name
- Comenii, Joann. Amos See all items with this value
- Comenius, Johann Amos, 1592-1670 See all items with this value
- 著者ID/Author ID
- DA01223033 See all items with this value
- フォーマット/Format
- image/tif
- 閲覧方向/Viewing Direction
- left-to-right
- 資料種別/Material Type
- Book
- 電子化資料区分/Digitized Material Type
- 貴重書、和装本
- 分類記号/Classification Number
- CAL:E100 See all items with this value
- Identifier
- rb_10076344073
- 元資料のOPAC URL/OPAC URL of the source material
- 書誌ID/Bib ID
- 610575 See all items with this value
- 巻号ID/Vol ID
- 610504
- BA19835623 See all items with this value
- 請求記号/Call Number
- E100-c93
- 所蔵館/Holding Library
- 筑波大学附属図書館 University of Tsukuba Library
- 権利/Rights
利用条件は 「所蔵資料の使用(出版・放映・Web掲載・展示等)」をご覧ください。
For terms of reuse, please check Permission of the Use of Library Materials (Publish/Broadcast/Post Online/Exhibit, etc.)
- アイテムセット/Item Set
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